Urban Transporte/KION


The META MULTIPAL pallet racking system is designed for 2,520 storage locations (1,000 kg each).

Customer: Urban Transporte/KION Jönköping (Sweden) Sector: Spare parts distribution center, META-ILS Stored goods: Wear and spare parts for forklifts Systems: META CLIP three-storey shelving system incl. vertical conveyor, lighting and storage location labeling META MULTIPAL pallet racking system incl. heavy depth supports, impact protection accessories and storage location labeling

The three-storey META CLIP shelving system is 7.50 m high, has a floor area of approx. 660 m² and is equipped with 8,532 shelves. Goods can be fed into the shelving system at a total of eight transfer points with swing gates. Goods are issued via a vertical conveyor (approx. 300 boxes/h - 2m/second - max. 35kg/box). A further vertical conveyor can be installed in the next expansion stage. A lighting system was also installed on the first floor and second floor to provide the necessary lighting. The META MULTIPAL pallet racking system is designed for 2,520 storage locations (1,000 kg each). A total of six upright levels have been implemented with an upright height of 8,200 mm. The heavy depth supports and the inserted gratings guarantee flexible storage. Extensive ram protection accessories (ram protection walls and U-ram protection) round off the project.